Miró Mallorca Fundació,
Palma, 2017
Piece of Trash, Biennal Artistic Creation Prize Pilar Juncosa and Sotheby’s 2017

Nacho Martín Silva
2017 Premi Biennal de Creació Artística Pilar Juncosa i Sotheby's, Miró Mallorca Fundació
2016 Addaya Centre D´Art Contemporari. Artista resident
2015 Casa de Velazquez. Artista resident
2015 Partituras visuales Felipe Ehrenberg. Comissariada per Marta Ramos-Izquierdo. Nadie nunca nada no. Madrid
Piece of Trash raises the dilution of the original through the repetition and continued permutation of the elements contained in the two images that give rise to the series.
The object is to continue with this series, begun in 2016, with the intention of being able to show in an exhibition all the works as a whole. In addition, a publication will be made that includes all the works made until the date of the exhibition. The publication will be welcomed in a format that allows you to see all the works as a whole, as well as the possibility of being whole comprehensive.