Pilar Juncosa Grant for research into Miró and his artistic and cultural milieu

Education and Activities
Fundació Miró Mallorca
Carrer de Saridakis, 29
07015 Palma
Tel. +34 971 70 14 20
Fundació Miró Mallorca offers a research grant worth €5,000 for projects on the subject of Joan Miró and/or his artistic and cultural milieu.
To take part in this edition, the completion of the online entry form on the Foundation’s website, www.miromallorca.com, is absolutely mandatory, and the following documents must be uploaded and sent with it:
- The application form and express acceptance of this year’s entry rules, using the duly completed online form. The following shall be assessed: certified links with any research group associated with a university or research centre and/or a letter presenting the candidate by a researcher of renowned repute or a prestigious figure from academic or museum-related circles.
- A photocopy of the identity card, passport or official identity document certifying the nationality of each applicant. In the case of a group application, a copy of the identity cards of all the entrants must be submitted, and the application form must be signed by each of them.
- The curriculum vitae of the applicant or applicants (maximum 3 pages). Supporting evidence may be requested if the applicant is awarded a grant.
- A proposal or report outlining the planned project, explaining the subject, interest appeal, reasons, goals, scheduled phases, and envisaged museum-related, documentary and bibliographical sources that will be consulted. This document should contain a maximum of 20 pages.
- A synopsis of a maximum of 10 lines.
The applicants must send this documentation written in Catalan, Spanish or English.
All the required documents must be submitted within the entry deadline, otherwise the applicant will automatically be excluded from this edition. If applications are submitted with missing documents, they will only be admitted provided that this is rectified within the entry deadline.
The applicants may apply for more than one grant. In such an event, they must submit the full documentation for each grant.
The deadline for the submission of all entries is the 15th of September 2020.
Once the submitted entry has been registered, the entrant will be sent its registration number by e-mail.
Fundació Miró Mallorca shall appoint a competent jury to select and award the announced grants. Their decision shall be published on the Foundation’s website, www.miromallorca.com. The jury reserves the right to declare this call for grants null and void. The jury’s members have full capacity and authority to interpret these entry rules.
Only the winning entrants will be informed by e-mail of the jury’s decision, and the results shall be published on the Foundation’s website and in other means of communication. The decision shall be announced in October to mark Pilar Juncosa’s saint’s day and it shall not be open to appeal.

50% of the grant shall be paid when it is awarded. The remaining 50% shall be paid the following year for the project’s implementation, once the research has been completed and reviewed by the tutor. If it is not approved, the second payment shall not be made. The corresponding withholding tax established in each country shall be applied to the €5,000.
The beneficiary of the grant undertakes to mention the support received from Fundació Miró Mallorca in all public dissemination and/or published disclosure of the created work. In the event of non-compliance with the purpose of the grant, the beneficiary shall be obliged to return the money.
The specific dates on which the project is carried out shall be determined in accordance with the Foundation’s programme schedule, preferably within one year of the grant’s notification. The beneficiary of the grant may ask for an extension of the time limit, although its acceptance will always depend on the Foundation’s internal programme schedule. Fundació Miró Mallorca reserves the right to publish, print and disseminate the grant holder’s work.
The beneficiary of the grant must submit a four-monthly report in Word format, providing an accurate description of how the research is progressing, together with any modifications to the initially proposed project.
The completed project must genuinely contribute to a raised awareness of Joan Miró or his artistic or cultural milieu and it must be academically reasoned, written and presented. The project proposal and completed research project shall be entered in the Foundation’s archives.
In order to contribute to the exhibition, dissemination and promotion of the award-winning works in the different categories and to the dissemination of related information, all artists winning any of the Pilar Juncosa and Sotheby’s Awards and Grants at this edition must meet the following requirement:
At least one post relating to the awarded project must be uploaded by the artist onto the “Artistic ideology” page of Fundació Miró Mallorca’s website. A username and password will be given to each winner by the Foundation’s Communication and Marketing Department for this purpose.
Identity of the data controller: Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca. Tax registration no.: G57753915. Postal Address: Saridakis, 29 07015 Palma, Illes Balears, Spain. Tel. no.: (00 34) 971701420. E-mail address: dpd@miromallorca.com
The information that you supply will be processed on behalf of the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca in order to manage entries in the Pilar Juncosa and Sotheby’s Awards and Grants and payment of winning entries, and, if applicable, to inform you of our activities. The supplied data shall be kept for as many years as necessary to comply with legal obligations or until you exercise your right to its cancellation. The data shall not be made available to third parties unless it is legally necessary to do so. Given your entitlement to confirmation of the processing of your data by the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca, you have right of access to your personal data, the right to amend any inaccurate information and the right to request the data’s erasure when it is no longer necessary. The Foundation’s data protection policy can be consulted on its website, https://miromallorca.com/es/aviso-legal/