Mallorca Live Festival PRO at the Foundation

We will welcome the MLF PRO 2019 on May to connect with the international professionals of the music industry


The two best music students of Spain will offer a concert at the Foundation

XI Mallorca Saxophone Festival. Friday, 5th April at 7 p.m.


International Jazz Day Mallorca. April 30th

MIRÓ & JAZZ.. Fundació Miró Mallorca. Espai Estrella & Auditorium


Christmas Concert: Nicolas Prost & Rodrigo vila

Aquest dijous, dia 20 de desembre a les 20 h, a l'auditori de la Fundació


The art of silence II

Meditation sessions surrounded by the works of Miró and the light in the Moneo building

The first Saturday of the month as of 06.10.18 until 01.12.18

Workshops and courses

Jason McNiff + Toni Monserrat in concert


Performing arts

PlaySummer’18. Movie nights at the Fundació Miró Mallorca

2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 August at 08.30 pm

Cinema and audiovisual

An introduction to basic copper plate etching. Given by Jordi Rosés

With one and several plates

25.06.18 — 06.07.18

Workshops and courses

“Children of Corita” screen-printing course at the Miró Mallorca Foundation. Given by Carles G.O’D

An advanced course in screen-printing

30.07.18 — 10.08.18

Workshops and courses

Photographic workshop. “Photography & architecture”. Given by Juan Baraja

Each image’s precise careful composition

Workshops and courses

La punta d’un paraigües

Mons creatius d'hivern 2018. Projecte binomis

27 January and 3 February, 3 and 17 March 2018

Workshops and courses

Other looks

The person and the artist for special education and groups with specific needs

Every Tuesday from 04.10.16 to 15.06.18
