Library Pilar Juncosa

Bibliographic collection and archive


Biblioteca Pilar Juncosa i Arxiu
Fundació Miró Mallorca
Carrer de Saridakis, 29
07015 Palma
Tel. +34 971 70 14 20

Library Pilar Juncosa

The Library Pilar Juncosa is a free and open access public library. No appointment is required to come. It is a library specialized in contemporary art, in particular, about Joan Miró and his cultural context. The bibliographic collection is made up of 15,000 volumes, including monographs, exhibition catalogues and national and international magazines. Growth is constant due to acquisitions through purchase, donation, own publications and library exchange.


  • Bibliographic collection / XX and XXI centuries art books about painting, sculpture, ceramics, architecture, photography, design, fashion, printmaking, museology, etc. The Miró section stands out: books about Joan Miró and his cultural context
  • Joan Miró’s personal library / About 500 books that belonged to the artist
  • National and international contemporary art magazines / ArtForum, Arquitectura Viva, Grabado&Edición, Revista de Museología, Bonart
  • Audiovisual collection / Reports and documentaries about Joan Miró
  • Children’s area



  • 26 reading places
  • On site consultation (we do not have loan service)
  • Online consultation of the bibliographic collection throughout the (CABIB)
  • Consultation from our server of the documentary and museographic collection (MuseumPlus)
  • Exhibition area
  • Free access to Miró’s Foundation gardens and café



In the Library Pilar Juncosa we keep Joan Miró Personal Collection, made up of correspondence, press, photographs and heterogeneous material:

  • Correspondence / More than 800 letters, telegrams and postcards addressed to Joan Miró. It includes artists such as Henry Moore, Irving Penn, Alexander Calder, Max Ernst, Yves Tanguy; architects such as Josep Lluís Sert; writers such as Salvador Espriu, Miquel Martí i Pol, Paul Eluard and Joan Brossa; or musicians like John Cage.
  • Press / About 11.000 national and international newspaper documents about Joan Miró. The oldest clippings we have date from 1918!
  • Photographs / Around 20.000 different media photographs of Joan Miró and his family and friends.
  • Heterogeneous documents / Notes, sketches, clippings, notebooks, pamphlets…

On the other hand, we also guard the Pilar Juncosa Personal Collection, a witness to the key role that Miró’s partner had both on a personal level and in the artist’s professional career.

Location and opening hours:

The library is located in the Miró Mallorca Foundation at the -1 floor of the Moneo building.

Winter (from 16/09 to 15/05):
            Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
            Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Summer (from 16/05 to 15/09):
            Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

*Before 10 a.m. and Mondays during the whole day, the library users must call the Foundation’s doorbell to open the front door (and the car park if needed) because the museum is closed.