Pilar Juncosa & Sotheby’s Biennial Awards for artistic creation

Education and Activities
Fundació Miró Mallorca
Carrer de Saridakis, 29
07015 Palma
Tel. +34 971 70 14 20
To this end, the Foundation summons, on a biennial basis, the Pilar Juncosa Edition Award, endowed with 10.000€ and the Artistic Creation Award endowed with 20.000€. They are the two prizes with greater economic endowment of the Foundation’s awards programme. The art project must be related to multiple or serially produced art in all its possible forms (sculpture, ceramics, video, photography, graphic art, etc.), which can be carried out, totally or partially, at the Joan Miró Printmaking Workshops.
Once the project has been completed, the artist must donate a full example of the work and/or a documented report on the production process to the Fundació for its incorporation in the latter’s art collection and archives. The Fundació will negotiate the donation with each artist, depending on the work in question.
Our aim is to offer visitors the chance to see art projects by gifted artists while also highlighting Joan Miró’s ties with a broad spectrum of contemporary artistic sensibilities. The Fundació wishes to support and promote the winning artist, allowing them to benefit from the worldwide prestige associated with Joan Miró’s art and the international recognition that this represents.
- The entry form and express acceptance of this edition of the award’s entry rules, using the duly completed electronic form. In the case of a group entry, a copy of the identity cards of all the entrants must be submitted.
- A photocopy of the passport or identity card of each of the participants.
- The curriculum vitae of the artist or artists (maximum 3 pages). Supporting evidence may be requested.
- An explanatory account of the intended printmaking project (maximum 5 pages), outlining the characteristics or interest value, background information and reason for its choice, together with a description of the tasks and procedures to be followed, and an approximate study of the materials, tools and equipment that will be needed.
- A synopsis of a maximum of 10 lines.
The entrants must send this documentation written in Catalan, Spanish or English.
All the required documents must be submitted within the entry deadline, otherwise the applicant will automatically be excluded from this edition. If entries are submitted with missing documents, they will only be admitted providing that this is rectified within the entry deadline.
The entrants may apply for more than one grant or award. In such an event, they must submit the full documentation for each one.
The deadline for the submission of all entries is the 15th of September 2020. Once the submitted entry has been registered, the entrant will be sent its registration number by e-mail.
Fundació Miró Mallorca shall appoint a competent jury to select the winners. Their decision shall be published on the Foundation’s website at www.miromallorca.com. The jury reserves the right to declare the award null and void. The jury’s members have full capacity and authority to interpret these entry rules.
The Foundation shall only make its decision known by e-mail to the successful candidates and the results shall be published on its website and through different means of communication. The decision shall be announced in October to mark Pilar Juncosa’s saint’s day and it shall not be open to appeal.
The sum of €10,000 shall be awarded as follows: A gross sum of €3,000 shall be paid when the award is made. The remaining €7,000 shall be used as expenses for the printed edition of the winning project. The Foundation shall be solely and exclusively responsible for safeguarding, controlling and managing the €7,000 used to create the project.
All the necessary expenses for the creation of the project must be approved by the Foundation and all invoices accounting for these expenses must be in the Foundation’s name, otherwise they will not be paid. The corresponding withholding tax established in each country shall be applied to the €3,000.
The beneficiary undertakes to mention the support that they have received from the Fundació Miró Mallorca in all public dissemination and/or published disclosure of the created work or material. In the event of non-compliance with the purpose of the award, the award winner shall be obliged to return the money.
The specific dates for the creation of the award-winning project shall be determined in accordance with the Foundation’s programme schedule, preferably within one year of notification of the award. The award-winner may ask for an extension of the time limit, although its acceptance will always depend on the Foundation’s internal programme of activities.
The details of the project’s creation, conditions, necessary means, work schedule and timing must all be specified sufficiently in advance, bearing in mind the artist’s availability, the programme schedule of the Fundació’s studios and a possible timeframe of one year following notification of the award.
The award-winner must work independently on the project to be created. The Foundation must make available the necessary facilities and basic material for its creation, and its technical team shall monitor the process. Fundació Miró Mallorca reserves the right to the exhibition and dissemination of the artist’s work.
With the aim of exhibiting, disseminating, promoting and informing about the awarded works in their different categories, all the artists that obtain any of the awards of the Pilar Juncosa and Sotheby’s Awards and Scholarships Edition, must meet the following requirement:
It is compulsory to enter at least one post related to the awarded project in the specific section of the Fundació Miró Mallorca website called “Artistic ideology”. From the Communication and Marketing Department of the Fundació, a user and password will be provided to each winner for this purpose.
Archives responsible: Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca – CIF: G57753915 Dir. postal: Saridakis, 29 07015 Palma – Illes Balears Telèfon: 971701420 Correu electrònic: dpd@miromallorca.com