The Fundació’s collection is the outcome of a donation by Joan Miró. On March 7th 1981, Miró and his wife, Pilar Juncosa, donated the artist’s studios – the Sert Studio and Son Boter – to the Fundació Miró Mallorca, together with the works of art, documents and objects that were inside them. This generous legacy was made up of paintings, sculptures, drawings, objects and prints, together with a rich collection of documents and part of the contents of his personal library.

About 7.000 pieces make up the Fundació collection, including painting, drawing, sculpture, objects and graphic work
The museum collection
The Fundació Miro Mallorca’s collection is made up of work by Joan Miró and other artists, together with the objects that filled the Sert Studio and Son Boter. In total, its inventoried contents comprise 118 paintings on canvas, 39 paintings on different types of supports, 35 sculptures, 1031 drawings, notes and sketchbooks, 3749 objects and 1925 prints. What makes this such a rich collection is the variety of techniques, materials and procedures that Miró used, allowing us to reconstruct the creative process behind his work.
The numerous projects for paintings, sculptures, ceramics, murals, prints and tapestries all bear witness to Miró’s unflagging creativity during the last stage of his life. The artwork in the collection spans a period ranging from 1908 to 1981, although most of it was created from the 1960s onward. Miró’s oldest surviving oil painting forms part of the collection. As for three-dimensional works, the Fundació features a number of unique assemblages and bronzes from limited editions, mainly made in the 1960s and 70s. The oldest drawings date back to the mid 1930s and the most recent are sketchbooks from 1981. In addition, the Fundació has a superb printmaking collection, including matrices, maquettes and illustrated books.

Over the course of time, the collection has been enriched with the addition of artwork by other artists, many from tributes to Miró. These include examples by Arroyo, Canogar, Chagall, Chillida, Chirino, Feito, Francés, Genovés, Guerrero, Guinovart, Gordillo, Hernández Pijuan, Rueda, Millares, Mompó, Muñoz, Ràfols Casamada, Saura, Sempere, Tàpies and Villalba. Lastly, the collection has also been extended with the incorporation of prints made in the Fundació’s studios, with work by artists like Peter Phillips, Wolf Vostell, Joan Cruspinera or Rafa Forteza.
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