Courses and graphic workshops 2020

The Joan Miró's printmaking workshops have conserved that desire to act as a springboard for experimentation in a wide diversity of artistic fields. Year after year, in this privileged setting, young artists and other more established ones carry out projects, exchange ideas and share their creative experiences.
Printmaking Workshops
Fundació Miró Mallorca
Carrer de Saridakis, 29
07015 Palma
Tel. +34 971 70 14 20
The Fundació Miró Mallorca has enabled numerous artists to work in its engraving,lithography, silkscreen and ceramics workshops. In the last years it has opened its doors to new technologies and incorporated digital printing systems.
Printmaking workshops 2020:
** Due to the exceptional situation caused by the Covid-19 and in accordance with the measures announced by the oficial health authorities, the Foundation has made the decision of cancelling the first of its Summer workshops until further notice.
** T1. Camera, paper, photo book (cancelled until further notice)
Photobooks as a creative tool and means of publicizing photographic work.
Given by Toni Amengual
Dates: May 26th to 30th 2020
In a world saturated with screens, where photographs are compulsively posted, it makes sense to continue publishing them on paper. This way, they can be regarded at a more leisurely pace, enjoying the physical experience of a book and printed photos.
T2.”Mokuhanga”. Woodcuts & Japanese printmaking
Given by Sebi Subirós
Dates: July 13th to 18th 2020
Japanese woodcut techniques underwent their peak period from the 16th to the 19th centuries, although now they are making a big comeback in both the East and West.
T3. Ceramics. Porcelain for artistic projects.
Given byAna Felipe Royo
Dates: July 27th to August 1st 2020
This workshop is aimed at professional and amateur plastic artists and ceramicists who would like to learn more about the fascinating world of porcelain from an artistic perspective.
Entry rules and registration:
- Registration for the courses is open to anyone who is interested.
- Places will be assigned in order of registration.
- Applications must be sent to the Fundació Miró Mallorca using the online form.
The following documents should be attached:
- A brief C.V. containing three photographs of recent work in a single document.
- Proof of payment of the 75-euro pre-registration fee into account no. ES97 2100 4011 52 2200005120 at “la Caixa” bank. (The document must specify the name of the applicant and the workshop which they are applying to take part in).
Payment of the remaining amount: Once the Foundation confirms the student’s admission on the course, the remaining amount must be paid into the same account. Proof of payment must be sent by e-mail to
In the event of cancellation by the student, the Foundation will not refund the course fee under any circumstances.
All pre-registration payments will be reimbursed to applicants failing to get a place on the course or in the event of cancellation by the Foundation.
Materials: included in the price of the workshop.
For further information, please contact:
Fundació Miró Mallorca
Printmaking Workshops
Tel. +34 971 70 14 20