Pilar Juncosa Training Grant for the winners of the Graphic Art competition for Young Artists
Since 1996, Fundació Miró Mallorca has collaborated in the Certamen d’Art Gràfic per a Joves Creadors (Young Creators’ Printmaking Award), organized this year by the Calcografia Nacional of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, the Real Casa de la Moneda and Fundación Azcona.
The Foundation offers a training grant to one of the winners of the Certamen d’Art Gràfic per a Joves Creadors (Young Creators’ Printmaking Award).
This consists of free enrolment on one of the courses/workshops run by Fundació Miró Mallorca’s printmaking studios, and a gross amount of up to €2,000 to cover expenses relating to attendance of the course.
To apply for this grant, it is necessary to enter the Certamen d’Art Gràfic (Young Creators’ Printmaking Award) and, if the entrant wins, the same jury (in which the Foundation is represented) shall then decide on the grant.