Pilar Juncosa Awards and Grants

Spreading contemporary values

© Óscar Pipkin

In accordance with the wishes of its founders, the aims of the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca are to promote and disseminate contemporary creative values, to contribute to the training of young generations of artists, and to encourage them in their commitment to innovation and in genuine research into new channels of creative expression.

The foundation also wishes to contribute to recognition of Miró’s importance as an artist and as a person through educational programmes and projects that bring contemporary art closer to society. Supported by: Ajuntament de Palma; Conselleria de Turisme, Cultura i Esports, Govern de les Illes Balears; and Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte de España.


Glenda León, 2021 Pilar Juncosa & Sotheby's Award for Artistic Creation


This year, the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca wishes to promote art projects associated with Joan Miró’s printmaking studios. These are located in an 18th-century country house called Son Boter, equipped by the artist himself for use as art studios and now considered to be one of the Foundation’s distinguishing features.

Our aim is to offer visitors the chance to see art projects by gifted artists while also highlighting Joan Miró’s ties with a broad spectrum of contemporary artistic sensibilities. The Foundation wishes to support and promote the winning artist, allowing them to benefit from the worldwide prestige associated with Joan Miró’s art and the international recognition that this represents.

To this end, the Pilar Juncosa & Sotheby’s Award is granted every two years for the creation of an art project leading to the production of multiples or editions in all their possible forms (sculptures, ceramics, video, photography, graphic art, etc.) to be carried out totally or partly in Joan Miró’s printmaking studios. The jury will be made up of different experts in the field of art editions: one person appointed by Sotheby’s, four experts not associated with the Foundation, and three members of the Foundation, whose Director will have the deciding vote if required.

The award, worth a total of €22,000, shall be divided as follows: €6,000 as a prize for the artist and the rest for the creation and exhibition of the project, paid as per the conditions established in the Payments section.

Once the project has been completed, the artist must donate a full example of the work and/or a documented report on the production process to the Foundation for its incorporation in the latter’s art collection and archives. The Foundation will negotiate the donation with each artist, depending on the work in question.

The jury will set high value on proposals for projects that stand out for their quality and capacity for experimentation and innovation. The clarity of the outlined proposal will also be taken into account, as well as the financial feasibility of the work’s creation and maintenance.

Next Call: 2025


Juan Escudero, 2020 Pilar Juncosa & Sotheby's Printmaking Award


Fundació Miró Mallorca holds the Pilar Juncosa Printmaking Award on a biennial basis, with funding of €12,000.

The purpose of the award is to facilitate the creation of a printmaking project in which research and experimentation are fostered into techniques and processes in the field of printmaking and printed series, including all engraving, wood engraving, lithography and screen-printing techniques, the application of new technologies, photography etc.

This edition aims to promote both the winning artist and Joan Miró’s printmaking studios, set up by the artist in Son Boter, an 18th century house, to provide further artistic space. Today, the printmaking studies are one of the Foundation’s distinctive hallmarks.

The winning project must be created within a maximum of one year from notification of the jury’s final decision. It shall be printed in Fundació Miró Mallorca’s printmaking studios and the number of copies to be printed shall be agreed upon and divided into two equal parts, one set for the Foundation and one for the artist.

Next Call: 2026

Pilar Juncosa Scholarships