Given by
- Carles G.O'D
- July 30th-August 10th 2018
- 9 a.m.-3 p.m. from Monday to Friday
Number of sutdents
- 12
- 225€
- In the application at the end of this link
“Children of Corita” screen-printing course at the Miró Mallorca Foundation. Given by Carles G.O’D
An advanced course in screen-printing
Screen-printing is a highly versatile, easily accessible printingmaking method used in modern graphic art.
It began as an industrial process and has gradually come to the fore in the art world, both in its upper echelons and on the underground art scene, thanks to its flexibility and high-quality results.
This workshop is based on the teachings of Corita Kent, the nun who transformed this technique into an art form. It is directed at creative people with an interest in graphic art and eagerness to learn about printmaking, fanzines or teaching through art. Illustration, photography, painting, design and comics are disciplines all closely associated with screen-printing.
Aquest taller es basa en els ensenyaments de Corita Kent, la monja que va convertir aquesta tècnica en un mitjà artístic. Es dirigeix a persones creatives amb inquietuds i especial curiositat per l’obra gràfica, el fanzín o la docència a través de l’art. Il•lustració, fotografia, pintura, disseny, còmic són disciplines molt afins a la serigrafia.
The purpose of the course is to introduce the participants to the whole of the flat screen-printing process on fabric and paper.
A wide variety of resources will be used, from handmade photolithographs and prints to the use of professional equipment, such as a semi-automatic vacuum table or vacuum exposure unit.
Particular attention will be paid to digital colour processing (Photoshop), using advanced tools, including the superimposition of translucent inks and screens, so as to multiply the chromatic possibilities and create optical illusions.
Work by other artists and groups will be studied, contextualizing contemporary screen-printing practices and seeking inspiration for the participants own work, viewing and analysing audio-visual material and work on a physical support.
The course will explore the relationship between individual and joint work. For this purpose, during the first week, it will focus on each participant’s own personal projects, with individual guidance from the teacher. During the second week, a publication will be produced on a shared theme in a shared set of colours.
- A theoretical session with audio-visual material.
- The applications of screen-printing and the printing of official aprons for the course (which each participant can take away at the end of the workshop).
- Week one: Each student will bring a black and white image to use as a starting point for their project. Preparing the images with Photoshop and print in three colours on A3 paper or similar. Experimentation on different materials and supports will also be welcomed.
- Week two: Based on the knowledge that has been acquired, a publication in fanzine format will be produced. The publication’s creation will encompass the conception, design, layout, printing, cutting, folding and binding processes..
- A basic knowledge of
- An interest in collaborative processes and
- Bring black and white sketches, drawings, photos or images as a starting point for each participant’s personal
Carles Garcia O’Dowd. Mallorca
Also known as G.O’D., his artistic alter ego.
Carles is an illustrator, silkscreen printer, activist and teacher, with a restless inquisitive mind. Born in Palma de Mallorca, he has drawn since he was a young child and despite hav- ing studied art in Barcelona, Hamburg and Guadalajara (Mexico), he mainly considers himself to be self-taught.
An obsessive illustrator, his favourite means of reproduction is screen-printing in large formats. His work cannot easily be classified into one specific discipline, although he has mainly worked in the fields of the visual arts, illustration and performance art.
He feels most at home moving on alternative underground circuits and his evolution has always been tied in with counter-cultural movements, from punk to social demands, popular culture and the queer movement.
His curiosity took him to the USA where he worked with “Beehive Collective”, to France where he worked for the independent publishing house “Le Dernier Cri”, and round the world where he attended independent comic and printmaking festivals. He is the co-organizer of “Gutter Fest” in Barcelona and “Crack!” in Rome.
He currently organizes the “Tropicana Dreams” Festival in Palma and has produced his own publications in the form of fanzines for ten years, as well as editing and taking part in joint publications.
Since 2015, he has travelled around Europe presenting his biggest project to date: Proyecto Útero, a collaborative drawing with artist Tonina Matamalas. He is currently coordinating “Trini Print Club”, a printmaking workshop in his home town, giving screen-printing classes with his “Children of Corita” project. He is also planning a new macro drawing project entitled The Rise and Fall of Eden, a diptych conceived to forge dialogue between the tourist industry on the Mediterranean coast and gentrification in London.
For further information see: http://www.carlesgod.com ; http://www.projecteuter.org ; http://www.tropicanadreams.org