Given by
- Jordi Rosés
- June 25th-July 6th 2018
- 9 a.m.-3p.m. from Monday to Friday
Number of sutdents
- 12
- 225 €
- In the application at the end of this link
An introduction to basic copper plate etching. Given by Jordi Rosés
With one and several plates
A course aimed at anyone wishing to take their first steps in copper plate etching or to explore it in greater detail as a contemporary form of artistic expression. The purpose of the course is to offer a new insight into engraving by building up a knowledge of various tecniques and acquiring a solid base in copper plate etching.
- Presentation of the course. Original prints.
- A description of printmaking systems.
- Copper plate etching. Recognizing prints.
- Printmaking studios: General characteristics and key features.
- Etching inks: black and coloured inks; their applica- tion, adaptation and drying. Handling the inks: oils, sof- teners, thickeners, and drying and non-drying agents. Mixes and lacquers. Inking glasses and how to make registration guides. Spatulas and scrapers for mixing ink and applying it to the plate. Tarlatan cloth and dif- ferent types of papers for cleaning the plates.
- Preliminary and routine tasks. Preparing the plates: polishing (if applicable), bevelling the edges, degreas- ing and deoxidizing the plates.
- The etching solution: Using ferric chloride, adapting the density to the work to be done. The etching pro- cess: face up, rocking, face down. Preparing the plates prior to biting.
- Copper plate etching techniques
- Indirect techniques: Using varnish, open biting, aq- uatint with asphaltum, using acrylic resins, sugar. Applying the varnishes and drying them, preliminary tasks, cleaning the plates.
- Direct techniques: Dry point, mezzotint, roulettes. Printing.
- The papers, inks, printing a plate with one colour, warming the plate for inking, numbering editions, can- celling the plate.
- Printing with several plates: Making registration pa- pers and the printing process: preparing and cleaning the plates for colour printing.
- The creation of two complementary plates to be colour printed with techniques chosen by the par- ticipants. Making the main plate and complementary background one. Preliminary tasks: Cutting and adjusting the plates to ensure a perfect register.
- Making the main plate; transferring the image to the secondary or background plate. Printing several plates, register (several types of register).
- Drying, cleaning, and additional work to the complet- ed print.
Jordi Rosés. Barcelona, 1958
Jordi Rosés is a printmaker who has collaborated with innumerable artists. He currently heads the printmak- ing studio Murtar Edicions and a residence for artists called Art Print Residence in Arenys de Munt. He is the author of the guides to printmaking El Gravat and Prova d’estat. Rosés was commissioned by the Spanish Ministry of Labour to develop the Certificate of Professionalism in Gravure and Wood Engraving.
Together with Claudia Lloret, he founded the International Printmaking Summer School at Calella and coordinated it for 10 years. For the last 14 years, he has given printmaking courses for the Mataró Cultural Department.
He has taught courses at various different interna- tional workshops, like El Lavoratorio Piranesi de gra- bado in Sermoneta, Italy; Beyond the Etched Plate in Whitehorse, Canada, at the Yukon Arts Society; and at the Joan Miró Foundation with engraver Joan Barbarà. For further information: http://www.artprintresidence.com