
Biblioteca i Arxiu
Fundació Miró Mallorca
Carrer de Saridakis, 29
07015 Palma
Tel. +34 971 70 14 20

Joan Miró : The essence of past and present things – Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons

Ja coneixeu el catàleg de l’exposició Joan Miró : The essence of past and present things? Va tenir lloc al Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mons (Bèlgica) de l’octubre de 2022 al gener de 2023 i va ser comissariada per Victoria Noel-Johnson.

Aquí teniu l’índex dels continguts, veureu que consta de quatre articles, una biografia de l’artista i el catàleg d’obres exhibides dividit per seccions:

  • Articles:
    • Between creativity and rupture. What role does the museum have to play? (Xavier Roland)
    • Miró’s quest for absolute freedom via the spirit of the past (1901-1929) (Victoria Noel-Johnson)
    • A logic of the absurd: Joan Miró’s Catalan landscape(s). Between reason and dream (Ara H. Merjian)
    • I must stop being Miró: primitivism as an artistic method (Dimitri Ozerkov)
  • Biography (Victoria Noel-Johnson)
  • Catalogue of works:
    • Artistic formation & Catalan fauvism
    • Pure primitivism
    • Primitive sculpture
    • Spirit of the figure
    • Spirit of the Orient
    • Absolute freedom
    • Archival Documentation & Objects


I hope for a physical contact with people, with ordinary people, with all people. To the point of a collective and anonymous art, as in the great periods of the past – Joan Miró

A la nostra biblioteca hi trobareu tant la versió anglesa com la francesa!

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